Monday, August 27, 2012

Davis Mountains State Park and Indian Lodge

Friday night August 3rd, we checked into room 311 at the Indian Lodge in Davis Mountains State Park.  The lodge was built in the 30's by the CCC and has been added onto since then.  Our room had 2 double beds, TV, air conditioning and full bathroom.  All the comforts of a regular hotel room.  The Black Bear Restaurant served breakfast, lunch, and dinner and had a fantastic staff.  Everyone was very friendly and helpful.  We went hiking after breakfast up the skyline drive trail.  The kids only lasted about 2 miles, but Shawn hiked to the top.  We also drove to the scenic point at the top of Skyline Drive.  The mountains here are green with trees and lots of wildflowers.  There was are birds, javalinas, mountains lions,a nd the usual skunks, possum, and raccoons.  The one thing they don't have is water.  No creek, lake, stream or pond in sight.  The mountains are surrounded by the Chihuahuan Desert.  After we hiked, we went back to the lodge for lunch.  Shawn wanted to do more hiking and the kids wanted to hit the pool.  So Shawn went out on his own to hike the Indian Lodge Trail, Montezuma Quail Trail and Old CCC trail which lead to the Ft. Davis National Historic Monument.  The kids and I went swimming.  We shared the pool with several barn swallows swooping down to drink.  One also dropped an enormous moth into the pool which the kids all thought was disgusting.  The bird either found it too heavy or also thought it was disgusting.  There were nests all over the lodge built on all the eves and overhangs.  Most were filled with baby birds.  The kids loved them. 
I can't wait to go back to this area again.  The lodge was very reasonable at $95 a night and the restaurant had a good variety of stuff.  The high on Saturday may have hit 90 at the most and the lows were in the upper 60's.  The town of Ft. Davis is 4 miles away and has a few sights including a desert botanical garden, historic downtown with soda fountain, and the Ft. Davis monument.  With the McDonald Observatory only 13 miles away and Balmorhea 45 minutes, we could have easily spent 4-5 days here.  Even if you are not campers, come to this park.

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