Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cleburne State Park

After checking out of Huntsville State park and washing 8 loads of laundry, we headed northwest to Cleburne.  This park is near Dinosaur Valley, which we loved.  The headquarters was closed when we arrived, but we chose screened shelter #6 which backed up to a dry creek bed.  I was hoping it would be a little cooler here, but it was 108 when we got there.  Even our awesome battery powered fan just couldn't move the oppressively hot air around our screen shelter.  Even the squirrels were hot.  The kids however, didn't mind the heat at all.  Cleburne SP has a lake for swimming and fishing.  But since this was just a stopover on our way to Amarillo, we didn't go swimming.  The kids played for hours in the dry creek bed building a shelter under some exposed tree roots.   There was not a lot of wildlife here, just some rabbits and a few cardinals.  But the kids had a great time and it is a good park for an overnight trip.

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