Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years resolution: be a better blogger

Hi my name is Stephanie and I am an inconsistent blogger. I have high hopes that this time, I will stick with it. I am not starting this to write about my children and all the cute things they do. I will not be ranting about politics or religion or current events. I have nothing to add that is crafty or delicious or thought provoking. No I am writing this mostly because I have realized I'm starting to not be able to remember when I have gone somewhere. We have been successfully camping for abut 2 years now and while some trips are very memorable, others I just kinda forget. So I will be writing about our camping trips, day hikes, trip to the creek or swimming hole, vacations and other outdoor endeavors. What was great and what we would like to just pretend never happened. If we get some fancy new gear, I'll write about that too. Maybe I'll inspire some of you to get out and be happy campers too.

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