Saturday, May 20, 2017

Lost Maples State Natural Area

Hello beautiful fall color!  Shawn and I went away for the weekend to celebrate 15 years of marriage.  We stayed at the Escondida Resort just south of Kerrville where I came down with a 24 stomach bug just after arrival.  Ah good times.  It was a lovely resort and the innkeepers could not be better.  By Sunday I was feeling somewhat better, so we decided hiking was not completely crazy.  We drove 45 minutes to Lost Maples State Natural Area.  Us and a gabillion other people.  This park is beautiful and perhaps at a different time of the year, is not over run with such large numbers of not really outdoorsy people.  We were told that the day before, the park had closed to capacity by noon.  ugg.  But enough complaining.  It was lovely and we hiked a moderately challenging trail.  We watched people step into the creek after slipping on rocks due to poor footwear choices.  We laughed at people carrying jogging strollers up rocky trails.  It was excellent people watching.  I would love to go back to check out the winery and perhaps do a short backpacking trip.  Maybe in the spring.

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