Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Hikes, Bikes, and Trips

This post was actually written in March and then completely forgotten about.  Oops.  But it was a good showing of what we did between November and March.  So. let's just pretend it is March. And chilly outside.  Brrr.
Building a house sure does take up a lot of weekends.  We have had a cold winter here in Central Texas and have missed out on some good camping months, but freezing temps are few and far between in the grand scheme of things.  We managed to fit in a few hikes, two bike rides on the trail (1 in Florida and 1 here), and even a day of swimming.  Ok the swimming was in Florida too, but it was still a nice break from the cold.

Over Thanksgiving break we explored Lake Georgetown.  This park is run by the Army Corp of Engineers and is very close to our land that we purchased.  It has a 28 mile trail around the lake and 3 camping areas.  We were very pleasantly surprised by the quality and difficulty of the trail, view of the lake, and scenery.  I took a few pictures but am not sure exactly where in cyber space they ended up.  I will work on finding them and getting them posted to this entry.

We enjoyed a day after Christmas hike with my parents again.  Last year we went to Inks Lake and this year we tackled Enchanted Rock.  It was a beautiful day and not terribly crowded.

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