Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Guadelupe River anniversary hike

Who goes hiking and geocaching on their anniversary?  This girl and her hunky hubbie do!  We headed down to Guadalupe River State Park on our way to San Antonio for a long hike.  I had kind of forgotten about the Texas Geocaching Challenge that started back up on October 1st.  We got a few done in the spring, but were bummed when the challenge ended in June and we couldn't participate on our big summer trip.  But it started again and they tweaked it a bit so that f you find at least 10 caches in any state park and answer the question, you get a prize.  Last time you had to find them all in one region, but now it is any 10 parks.  We also collect path tags, fun little small coins with the park name and a color picture on a key chain, along with our patches.  Not every park has path tags, but this one did and I got a little giddy about it.  So we headed off down the trail and quickly found the cache.  We made a quick stop at the discovery center which had exhibits showing wildlife in the area.  They had a bat skeleton and a few skins to touch.  We continued hiking down to the river and were thrilled to see the cypress trees in full fall color.  Did you know cypress trees change color?  I didn't either, but it was beautiful. We hiked along the river to an area he had fished and swam when we were there last.  We didn't see a lot of wildlife till we hiked back at dusk.  We saw a few deer, a couple birds, small rabbits, and we think an armadillo.  It was a peaceful way to celebrate 11 years.

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