Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer camping at Inks Lake

My neighbor/ friend/ "sister wife" and I loaded up 2 of her boys, both of my kids and 1 borrowed boy for 2 nights of mid week summer camping at Inks Lake State Park.  We love this park for many reasons, but this trip just added more to the list.  We arrived on Wednesday afternoon and were thrilled to get site 311.  This is the largest campsite in the tent loop with tons of grassy area for tents, access to the lake and closeness to the bathrooms.  We pitched our tents while the kids played in the water.  We feasted on hot dogs, beans, and fruit for dinner.  Afterwards we toasted marshmallows.  We sat by the lake watching the sunset and counting miles with lightening and thunder for an incoming storm.  The storm ended up coming to our south and north, but the lightening was bad enough to hang out in our cars for about an hour.  The kids ended up falling asleep in the cars, but it still made for a short night of sleep.  The next morning we pigged out on breakfast tacos and set out for a hike to find the geocache.  We were successful, but had to cut our hike a little short to escape another storm.  This one missed us as well, but we decided to wait it out at the park store.  There is a large porch out back with checker boards and picnic tables.  We enjoyed our chips, watermelon, and turkey sandwiches while the storm went around us.  Then we hiked up to Devils Waterhole.  This is where a creek runs into the lake.  The water is deeper and  there is a good sized waterfall.  The fearless (mostly teenaged boys) jump off high rocks on the bluff above into the water.  Ours were more interested in smaller jumps, swimming, and catching minnows.  After 3 hours at the waterhole we headed back to the camp store for Popsicles and shade.  We played in the lake at the campsite till frito pie was served.  We watched to sunset over the lake and ate smores till bedtime.  The next morning we cleaned up camp and headed back home. 
This was a perfect week to camp here.  The lake kept us cool and going mid week got us a great site without a neighbor in sight.  Bring plenty of sunscreen, an inflatable raft, and good shoes for hiking to the waterhole.  Water shoes are a must for the waterhole and lake. 
We can't wait to go back again next year!

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